Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (the “GDPR”), Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, and other applicable regulations, the Chamber informs you about the processing of personal data it carries out, both on its website and generally in the various areas of its activity.

This information is made available to you through the following points:

  1. Who is the Data Controller?
  2. Generally, for what purpose do we process your personal data?
  3. What is the legal basis for processing your data??
  4. How long will we keep your information?
  5. To whom will your data be communicated?
  6. What data will the Chamber process?
  7. Where do we obtain your data from?
  8. What are your rights when we process your information?
  9. What happens if you do not provide the requested data?
  10. Protection of the Chamber and the supervisory authority.
  11. Security measures.

1. Who is the Data Controller?

The Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Barcelona. Av. Diagonal, 452-454, 08006 Barcelona. Phone: 93 416 93 00 Email: CIF: Q0873001B.

2.-  Generally, for what purpose do we process your personal data?

– To enable the Chamber to develop the various public-administrative functions attributed to the corporation, based on the regulations governing the Chambers of Commerce.

– To enable the Chamber to sell products and/or provide services to individuals or companies through any possible marketing platforms, including this website through the spaces provided for this purpose.

– To enable the registration and management of the user of the website, including the management of preferences expressed in your user area, as well as the services you have contracted. In the case of users of the private area of the website, they will be considered clients of the Chamber, and if no preference regarding areas of interest is marked, they will be sent communications about the initially contracted products or services.

– To send business-relevant information, not commercial, within the framework of the public-administrative functions established in the regulations governing the Chambers of Commerce.

– To send information about the Chamber’s products or services that we understand may be of interest to you, whether you are a user of the Chamber or not and have expressly requested it.

– To respond to doubts or questions raised from the spaces provided for this purpose on the website or through other communication channels.

– To enable the management of your application regarding any of the job offers published by the Chamber, through the website or any other channel enabled by the Chamber.

– To enable the proper management of the commercial relationship between clients and/or suppliers and the Chamber. Conducting audits and internal controls.

– To enable the fulfillment of the Chamber’s legal obligations.

– To evaluate your degree of satisfaction with the Chamber’s products and services, and to consider the assessments to enable the improvement of the Chamber’s service provision.

– To ensure the security of facilities, goods, and people accessing the Chamber’s premises through the video surveillance system.

– To enable the control of access to the Chamber’s premises.

– To allow the taking of images at events and acts held and/or organized by the Chamber, in order to report on their celebration and promote them.

– Through the use of cookies on the Chamber’s website, to enable navigation and use of the website by its users, conduct analysis and statistics regarding it, facilitate advertising based on your browsing habits, and enable connectivity with social networks.

  • Club Cambra.

The personal data provided by joining the Club Cambra will be used to:

a) Use the data to establish contact with the person or persons designated by the Company, to enable the registration and provision of services associated with membership in the Club Cambra.

b) Send, to the contact person or persons, the communications inherent to the condition of Club Cambra Member. Both administrative issues and those related to the benefits and services linked to the Club Cambra.

c) Send communications that we understand to be of your interest about the Chamber.

  • Llotja Virtual

The data provided through the forms for registration in the Llotja Virtual, as well as those sent, upon request of the interested party, through own profiles on social networks will be used to:

a) Manage your registration in the Virtual Llotja and enable your participation in the various events, conferences, or activities organized, or your membership in a specific community.

b) Enable the sending of communications from the Virtual Llotja regarding activities that we understand may be of interest to you, especially regarding the communities or sectors of activity to which you belong.

3.- What is the legal basis for processing your data?

– For the development of legally attributed public functions: the necessary processing for the fulfillment of a task carried out in the public interest, in the exercise of the powers conferred by Law 4/2014, of April 1, Basic of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services, and Navigation.

– To enable the management of the commercial relationship with clients (marketing of products or services) and/or suppliers: Contractual compliance or a legitimate interest of the Chamber considering whether it is a necessary processing to comply with the contract or associated with the internal management of the Chamber (Conducting audits and internal controls, a legitimate interest of the Chamber).

– For the registration and management of the website user: Contractual compliance.

– For sending business-relevant non-commercial communications: fulfillment of a task carried out in the public interest in the exercise of the powers conferred by Law 4/2014, of April 1, Basic of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services, and Navigation.

– For sending information about the Chamber’s products or services, in case you are a consumer – user of the Chamber’s products or services: a legitimate direct marketing interest of the Chamber / art. 21.2 Law 34/2002 LSSI.

In case you are not a consumer or user of the Chamber’s products or services: the legal basis for the Chamber’s mailings: the consent given / art. 21.1 Law 34/2002 LSSI.

– To enable responses to doubts or questions raised to the Chamber: The legal basis could vary depending on the nature of the questions raised, possibly being, the fulfillment of a public interest task or a legitimate interest of customer service.

– For the management of job applications or recruitment processes: Execution of pre-contractual measures at the request of the affected party and a legitimate interest of the Chamber in managing its human resources.

– Compliance with the Chamber’s various legal obligations. As stipulated in the regulations that apply in each case, both the regulatory norms of the Chambers of Commerce and labor, fiscal, or accounting regulations.

– Regarding the evaluation of your satisfaction with the products or services provided: a legitimate interest of the Chamber in the continuous improvement of processes and services and quality control.

– In the case of capturing images through the video surveillance system in the Chamber’s premises: a public interest in the security of the facilities, goods, and people in the Chamber’s premises.

– Control of access to the Chamber’s premises: a legitimate interest of the Chamber in the security of people and facilities, for example, in the event of evacuation or emergency.

– Regarding the taking of images at Chamber events and acts: a legitimate interest of the Chamber in promoting its activities.

– Regarding the use of cookies on the website: the consent given through the website’s consent management platform.

– Regarding data processing related to Club Cambra Member:

a) For sending the card to your company, as well as providing Club Cambra services, including sending Club-specific communications, the processing of contact person data would be based on: Contractual execution.

b) For sending Chamber communications, not strictly related to Club Cambra: A legitimate direct marketing interest of the Chamber, regarding its clients / art. 21.2 Law 34/2002 LSSI.

– Regarding data processing related to Club Cambra:

a) For managing registration, providing services, and enjoying Club benefits, including sending communications inherent to the membership condition, the processing of contact person data would be: Contractual execution.

b) For sending Chamber communications, not strictly related to Club Cambra: A legitimate direct marketing interest of the Chamber, regarding its clients / art. 21.2 Law 34/2002 LSSI.

– Regarding Llotja Virtual:

a) For your registration and management of your participation in its activities or communities: The consent given at your registration.

b) Regarding sending communications from the Virtual Llotja: A legitimate direct marketing interest of the Chamber, regarding its clients / art. 21.2 Law 34/2002 LSSI.

4.- How long will we keep your information?

The data provided will be kept for the necessary time for each of the purposes for which the information is intended.

In any case, and generally:

– Regarding the information generated from the provision of services by the Chamber, a historical record of services provided will be kept indefinitely. Regarding fiscal documentation, accounting, or that which is not necessary for the historical record of service provision, it will be deleted within the established legal deadlines, four years.

– Regarding mailings made by the Chamber, whether commercial or not, until you state otherwise.

– Regarding your job applications or participation in selection processes, for a period of one (1) year.

– Regarding sending commercial communications electronically, indefinitely, until you state otherwise.

– Regarding satisfaction analyses of Chamber products or services, until the corresponding analyses are completed.

– Regarding access control and video surveillance, a maximum of 30 days.

– The data associated with Club Cambra membership will be kept indefinitely regarding contact data and service history.

– The rest of the processing associated with Club Cambra membership in any of its modalities, as long as you or your company continue to be members.

– Regarding the management of the Virtual Llotja, as long as you are a member.

5.- To whom will your data be communicated?

To the suppliers and service providers that the Chamber contracts or can contract and who act as data processors in order to manage the provision of services, and as such, follow the instructions given by the Chamber.

To the entities with which the Chamber has established collaboration agreements, provided that the user has given their consent and with the specified purpose.

To banking entities and public administrations, in the case of users of products or services of the Chamber, as well as those entities or persons necessary to comply with the Chamber’s legal obligations.

– Llotja Virtual

6.- What data will the Chamber process?

The data processed by the Chamber will be those that you provide us with:

During your navigation on our website, including those provided through cookies and the data provided in the different forms, in addition to those provided by any other means, including participation in promotional actions, webinars, or job applications.

Those generated from the provision of services.

Those provided by you in your communications with the Chamber.

In addition, the data processed in the context of public interest functions attributed to the Chamber may come from third parties to whom you have provided your information, if they act as data processors. In any case, the data we process is in the majority of cases limited to identifying and contact information, such as your name, address, or email.

In the context of the marketing of products or services, such data may also include financial information, like your bank account number.

In any case, the data processed will be those strictly necessary for the purpose in each case.

7.- Where do we obtain your data from?

We obtain your data from the following sources: Information provided directly by the data subject, such as:

a. The one provided through the completion of the different forms available on the Chamber’s website, such as registration forms for the different services or events, as well as those provided through the different communication channels enabled by the Chamber. b. The one provided by email, or during the establishment of the commercial relationship between you and the Chamber, if you are our client or supplier. c. The one provided during your participation in events or activities organized by the Chamber. d. The one provided during the process of joining Club Cambra or in the context of membership. e. The one provided through profiles on social networks when you request any information orsend a query through these channels. The one generated from the provision of services or your navigation on our website. The one generated from communications you make with the Chamber. Data from third parties, when they act as data processors.

8.- What are your rights when we process your information?

You have the following rights regarding your data:

Right of access: You have the right to request information from the Chamber about whether it is processing your personal data.

Right of rectification: You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

Right of erasure: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

Right of restriction: You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your data.

Right to data portability: You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and to transmit them to another controller.

Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons related to your particular situation. These rights may be exercised by sending an email to, indicating in the subject line “Data Protection” and specifying your request.

Alternatively, you may exercise your rights by sending a written communication to the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Barcelona, Av. Diagonal, 452-454, 08006 Barcelona, attaching a copy of your ID. Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (, if you consider that your rights have been violated.

9.- What happens if you do not provide the requested data?

If you do not provide the requested data:

– We will not be able to process your request or provide you with the requested services.

10.- Protection of the Chamber and the supervisory authority.

In order to protect the Chamber, as well as the supervisory authority, in the event of violations of the GDPR, we inform you that:

– The Chamber will take the appropriate legal actions to defend its rights and interests.

11.- Security measures.

The Chamber will adopt the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the security of personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation. However, users must be aware that the security measures on the Internet are not impregnable and that, although the Chamber does everything possible to guarantee the protection of your personal data, it cannot fully guarantee it. Cookies Policy We use cookies on this website. You can learn more about our Cookies Policy and manage your preferences by visiting the Cookies Policy page. For further information or any queries related to the protection of your data, you can contact us via email at

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